Baldequin Full Canopy

Baldequin Full Canopy

Model : BD05

Truly the bed that dreams are made for!  The Baldequin features Classic Chairs’ expert carving, with an undulating ribbon design carved into the frame.  There are also intricately carved corners to complement the whole.

All of this is topped off by an overhead “coronet” or ceiling supported by swooping metal arms.

The inside of the ceiling can be upholstered to match the bed ends.  And for that really exotic feel, the arms can be draped with flowing gauzy fabrics for example.

Additionally, the Baldequin bed is available without the canopy. See the Baldequin BD07

Click the link to view another French style: “HEIN” carved wooden bed

Available in many finishes to order. (painted or polished etc)

Fabric: 6.5m plus 2m for the ceiling.  If draped fabrics are needed, the quantity depends on the final look desired.  We can help you with this.

Dimension (mm) :

King 1950 wide  2170 Long   2220 high

Queen: 1660 wide  2170 long  2220 high

Stock : to order

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Baldequin Full Canopy

Model : BD05

Truly the bed that dreams are made for!  The Baldequin features Classic Chairs’ expert carving, with an undulating ribbon design carved into the frame.   There are also intricately carved corners to complement the whole.

All of this is topped off by an overhead “coronet” or ceiling supported by swooping metal arms.

The inside of the ceiling can be upholstered to match the bed ends.  And for that really exotic feel, the arms can be draped with flowing gauzy fabrics for example.

Additionally, the Baldequin bed is available without the canopy. See the Baldequin BD07

Click the link to view another French style: “HEIN” carved wooden bed

Available in many finishes of your choice, to order. (painted or polished etc)

Dimension (mm) :

King 1950 wide  2170 Long   2220 high

Queen: 1660 wide  2170 long  2220 high

Fabric: 6.5m plus 2m for the ceiling.  If draped fabrics are needed, the quantity depends on the final look desired.  We can help you with this.

Stock : to order

Additional information

Pierre Philippe





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